Monday, September 30, 2013

Sambucus nigra benefits

Use fresh Sambucus nigra leaves,flower,bark and root,
othe namer:Sauko (Bridal boquet)
First of all,
Philippine herbal medicine pick Sambucus nigra, eat young leaves because the plant is edible and wellknown medicinal plant because  given good result to increas persperation,cleasing blood,urine condition,added for skin condition, laryxn condition, condetion,Sambucus nigra very efective to tonselitis.rheumatism,cold,flu 
symtptom relief remedies,good for stomachace,heart problem,over fat,tuberculoses 
and ohterlung deases

Monday, April 23, 2012

Chico mamie benefits

Calocarpum sapota (Jacq.) Merr.
Ren xin guo
In the Philippine called Chico mamie use as alternative medicine plant. Seeds include amygdalin; a gutta percha-like meat, sebaceous oil with stearin and glyceride.Bark is reported to afford hydrocyanic dissolvent.
Aztecs according to use it for concoction the pilus to record it gentle and to forestall dandruff. Humor surface used as a treat for epilepsy.In Costa Rica, utilized for curing colds.Sap of actor said to be nauseant and medication.Seeds victimised as drug.Pulverized player is inebriate with inebriant to help cacophonous and courage affections.Powdery seeds utilized as rectification for renal colic.In Archipelago, production mag is misused as medicament cataplasm. Also, solution of strip victimized as adornment.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Guava leaves benefits

The natural healing is better use of organic medicine it is need
daily practical remedies.One hundred time used natural healing for
natural remedies of lifetyle it is no side effect.
For mouth inflammation use Guava leaves.
Boil one cup chopped fresh leaves in two glasses of water for ten
minutes and cool use to be gargle.Guava leaves anti-bacterial properties.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Capsicum leaves benefits

Philippines herbal medicine..Research Capsicum leaves benefits, Capsicum although the have
excellent source of nutrients to activate body performance.Capsicum source of Calcium,
Iron,Vitamin A,B and Phosphorus.

Action in Body       Traditional Use

1. Anti fatigue              1. Lower blood presure
2. Boost immunity        2. Lower blood sugar
3. Improve metabolism 3. Lower Cholesterol
4. Aphrodisiac             4. Anti rheumatic

Monday, January 2, 2012

Plum fruit benefits

The Plum fruit it is ridiculous and incredible benefits of our healthy condition,
The have incredible nutrients and support or promoting antioxidant to healthy booster,
The have super natural dietary fiber and minerals to help unto the body of the human being.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alugbati benefits

Preparation: Using leaves only

For: Skin problem, abscesses and boils
The fresh leaves crush and apply as poultice, two times a day.
For:Abscesses and boils tew leaves of alugbati cool and drink,
Alugbati rich of vitamin A and iron good for healthy condition

Monday, July 25, 2011

Swietenia macrophlylia King Meliaceae

Swietenia macrophlylia King Meliaceae

The bark is dark gray and ridged.

Also Medicinal Uses

Decoction of the bark serve as antipyretic reduce fever,
Also serve as astringent,Used as tonic increases body tone