Monday, February 14, 2011

For Poison

MOLAVE ( Vitex parviflora juss )

Medicinal Uses

In our province have to eat dish they are purchased at the store, Then they eat
after eating the man vomiting who poisoned them because they bought the dish.
They come to the people who intelligent about herbs of poison
treating the wood molave they are boiled and then chilled and drink,
yet presently gradually recovered
The health of the people poisoned the food.
Molave remedies are good people poisoned
infusion or decoction of the wood can considered a good remedy for poison,as a dose
of it will produce vomiting,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Narra " Pterocarpus pps "

Narra name be national tree in the Philippines , medium and large tree with an irregular
fluted trunk ,

Medicinal Value

Ragged bark is boiled and the juice in use treatment of dysentery and diarrhea,
Pure herbal teas and medication made from narra extracts contain been popularized in the Philippines
for treating a range of diseases and ailments including leprosy. menstrual pain, flu, rheumatoid
arthritis and diabetes.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Moringa Olifera

Malunggay ( Moringa olifera )

Moringa Olifera is the best exotic vegetable and good spicies,
But Moringa is abundant her in the philippines,Very reach sources of vitamins.

Sources of Medicinal value

Decoction of leaves used of hiccups, asthma, gout, backpain, rheumatism, wounds and sores.
Peapods are cure for intestinal paratitism,
Leaves and fruits are cure for constipation,
Leaves and pods are helpful increasing of breast milk reach of iron, calcium needs during
pregnancy and breast feeding.
Moringa fruit increasing of sperm count
Moringa root bark has sex-hormone related properties.

Friday, February 4, 2011



It is an upright, small and still tree reaching 1.5 to 5m high. It is fortified with
spines along the brushwood . The red and yellow flowers clusters are natural on fatal portions.

The important of the tree is Medicinal

The fresh leaves applied externally to relieve rheumatism, heated useful externally, remedy
Decoction from the crushed is used as an emetic and believed to remedy for dysentery.
Roots are diuretic and useful in cases of stone formation in the bladder,
The juice of the stalk and roasted fruit are used for the eye diseases.
The finely pulverized leaves are given as uterine tonic to women immediately after giving birth.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Diabetes Militus

BANABA ( (Lagerstroemia Speciosa )

Banaba juice is the best additional units of insulin activity,The leaves or fruits
are good part of contribute insulin,The old leaves and ripe fruit of banaba contain
the greatest amount of insulin,

Good value of Medicine:

Banaba principle 20grms of old leaves or ripe fruits dried from 1 to 2 weeks,decoction
were found to have the ecquivalent to 6 to 7.7 units of insulin,
Decoction of the leaves of all ages is used for Diabetes melitus.Prepared and taken like
tea.Some Filipino doctors proven that a decoction of dried fruit or leaves is even better.